Osvaldo Santiago Rodríguez

Courses Taught (in the last four semesters prior to current visit):

ARQU 3016 – Intermediate Digital Architectural Representation

ARQU 3131 – Design Fundamentals I

ARQU 3132 – Design Fundamentals II

ARQU 3615 – Architectural Representation and Visualization

ARQU 6991 – Architectural Representation Seminar

ARQU 6992 – Intermediate Digital Architectural Representation

Educational Credentials:

(2020) Master’s Degree in Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

(2018) Master’s Degree in Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona. Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

(2017) Bachelor’s Degree of Environmental Design, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

Teaching Experience:

(2021-Present) Professor., School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

Professional Experience:

(2015-2017, 2019-Present) Designer. FUSTER+ARCHITECTS, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

(2018-2020) Research Assistant. ESMAT, School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

Selected Publications and Recent Research:

Ongoing Research and Topics of Interest:

(2018-2020) Research – Materials and Structure Laboratory. School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Architecture, design, architectural photography, marketing and product identity, gastronomy and graphic design

Professional Memberships:

Link to CV or portfolio: https://www.instagram.com/tallerornamental/