Organizaciones Nacionales

Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Arquitectura

La CLEA es la encargada de organizar tanto el ELEA (Encuentro Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Arquitectura) como el TSL (Taller Social Latinoamericano) y esto se realiza a través de los Coordinadores Latinoamericanos de Estudiantes de Arquitectura o CLEAs, que son un grupo de jóvenes que representan a su país ante la este organismo, y se reúnen dos veces al año físicamente en las Reuniones Consultivas (RC-I y RC-II), para organizar y planificar este tipo de eventos, dándole un seguimiento semanal vía chat con el fin de mantener la comunicación y el intercambio de ideas de forma fluida entre estudiantes latinoamericanos. En su haber y su historia, la CLEA trabajando en beneficio del desarrollo de eventos de arquitectura hechos por y para estudiantes, se han realizado 27 ELEAs: Guatemala 4, México 4, Venezuela 4, Cuba 3, Perú 3, Colombia 2, Panamá 2, Costa Rica 1, El Salvador 1 y Estados Unidos 1); así como también han sido desarrollados 8 TSL: Colombia 2, México 2, El Salvador 1, Nicaragua 1, Perú 1 y Ecuador 1.
Do you want to be an Architect? will lead you through the steps in becoming an architect. The “Three Es” of architecture will be your guide. They are: Education, Experience and Examination. This Web site will give you an overview to the varied and diverse paths to a career in architecture and of the requirements for registration.

National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
NCARB’s primary function is to design tools and model procedures for jurisdictions to apply to their regulation of the path to licensure, ranging from internship guidelines to licensing examination to certification for reciprocal licensing. NCARB maintains records for its 54 jurisdictional boards, providing services to architects and interns as key stakeholders. This Web site will give you an information about the The Intern Development Program (IDP) and the Architect Registration Examination.

The American Institute of Architects
Based in Washington, D.C., the AIA has been the leading professional membership association for licensed architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners since 1857. With nearly 300 state and local chapters, the AIA serves as the voice of the architecture profession and the resource for our members in service to society.

The American Institute of Architecture Students
(AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to providing unmatched programs, information, and resources on issues critical to architectural education. The mission of the AIAS is to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice; to foster an appreciation of architecture and related disciplines; to enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration; and to organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science of architecture.

The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
ACSA, unique in its representative role for schools of architecture, provides a forum for ideas on the leading edge of architectural thought. Issues that will affect the architectural profession in the future are being examined today in ACSA members schools.

The association maintains a variety of activities that influence, communicate, and record important issues. Such endeavors include scholarly meetings, workshops, publications, awards and competition programs, support for architectural research, policy development, and liaison with allied organizations.

Colegio De Arquitectos y Arquitectos Paisajista de Puerto Rico
El CAAPR es una organización dedicada a fomentar la excelencia de la arquitectura y la arquitectura paisajista para el bienestar de nuestro país; resguardando, defendiendo y representando a los miembros de nuestras profesiones. El CAAPR es la casa que acoje las aspiraciones e interéses para que se reconozcan nuestras disciplinas como esenciales al bienestar de Puerto Rico.

The Construction Specifications Institute
CSI is a national association of more than 13,000 volunteers, including specifiers, architects, engineers, contractors, facility managers, product representatives, manufacturers, owners and others who are experts in building construction and the materials used therein. They are dedicated to improving the communication of construction information.

U.S. Green Building Council
USGBC is made up of tens of thousands of member organizations, chapters and student and community volunteers that are moving the building industry forward in a way that has never been seen before.

We are a diverse group of builders and environmentalists, corporations and nonprofits, teachers and students, lawmakers and citizens. Today we are 77 chapters, 13,000 member organizations and 188,000 LEED professionals strong that share the same vision of a sustainable built environment for all within the next generation. This Web site will give you an information about the The LEED Program.