Esteban L. Sennyey Halasz

Courses Taught (in the last four semesters prior to current visit):

ARQU 4135 – Advanced Architectural Design I: Architecture as an Urban Component

ARQU 4136 – Advanced Architectural Design I: Building Anatomy

ARQU 5030 – Advanced Architectural Design IV: Architecture as an Urban Component

ARQU 5995 – Universal Design

ARQU 6334 – Advanced Architectural Design IV: Architecture as an Urban Component

ARQU 6384 – Professional Practice II: Design Firm

Educational Credentials:

(1982) Master’s Degree in Architecture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

(1979) Architecture and Urban Design, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela.

Teaching Experience:

(1988-Present) Professor. School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.

Professional Experience:

(2001-Present) Principal Architect. Esteban L Sennyey Arquitectura. San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Licensed architect in Puerto Rico No.12070

Licensed planner in Puerto Rico No.636

Selected Publications and Recent Research:

Ongoing Research and Topics of Interest:

(2020) Santurce Development Project. Urban Design Project to redevelop depressed areas of Santurce following urban design guidelines according to research methodology by Leon Krier

(2018) San Juan Estuary Development Program. Urban Design Project, in collaboration with Prof. María Helena Luengo, to develop Urban Design Guidelines in light of a major US Army Corp of Engineer Project to dredge Caño Martín and rising sea levels which involved the displacement of great number of families and the recuperation of needed watershed catchment areas.

(2005) “Asian Culture Complex”. International Project Competition. Presidential Committee for Culture Cities, Gwangju, South Korea.

(2004) “Il Progetto dell’esistente. Permanenza e transformazioni nei paessaggi di Cutro”. Quaderni dei Laboratorio Internazionale d’Architettura 3, Iiriti Editore. Italy.

Recent Creative Work:

(2021) PUCPR, New Lab Building Colegio de Ciencias, Ponce, Puerto Rico

(2020) PUCPR Ferre and Aguayo Modernization Project, Ponce, Puerto Rico

(2020) PUCPR Ferre and Aguayo Structural Retrofit, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Professional Memberships:

College of Architects and Landscape Architects of Puerto Rico (CAAPPR)
Puerto Rican Planning Society

Link to CV or portfolio: